“Beating the heat with Meister Solar Summer Promo” Another happy and satisfied family. Always a good thing when everyone in the family knows their part on how to conserve energy. Kudos to Sir Chris and Ma’am Nancy for showing their children the importance on hot ro saven enegry by using renewable energy.Their excitement brings pride and joy to us thank you for sharing this important day to us! The system we installed will lower their electric bill from Php 4,000 – 5,000 every month in coordination with Meralco Net Metering Systems includes the following; 14units Astroenergy 265wp Solar Panels made in Germany with 10 yrs product warranty and 25 yrs performance warranty 1unit SMA Sunny Boy 3300 with 5yrs product warranty with an option to buy extended warranty up to 15yrs. Complete Mounting System by Schletter 100% all components Made In Germany #madeingermanysolarsystem #freeelectricityfromthesun #moresuninsummertime #happycustomer #mesitersolarsummerpromo